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Living Naturally

Here at DWGR, I am always looking  for ways to live more naturally for myself and my dogs.  As a breeder, it is a top priority of mine to research ways I can further reduce cancer and illness rates in my lines and do everything I can to be ahead of the game for their health and longevity.  I have made it my mission to read and learn constantly in hopes I will find the absolute best way to help all of my dogs live long, healthy lives.  Just a small example of how we do this includes:

  • Feeding balanced, raw fresh food daily for all meals

  • Only vaccinating when absolutely necessary (titering)

  • Use of natural dog products when feasible 

  • Controlled Exercise

  •  Toxin-free cleaning

Below is a list of great articles and websites that have helped me make some of the decisions that I do with my personal dogs, guardians, and the information I give to my puppy families.  It is our hope that you will read these too and make informed decisions about your dog's health!

Dogs Naturally Magazine

This website has an abundance of various topics ranging from preventing overvaccination, medications to avoid, raw feeding techniques and just about anything else you could ever need to know about raising dogs more naturally.  I love this site because it has input from real veterinarians and is also run by a long time Labrador breeder who rears her puppies in the most natural ways possible.  

Dr. Karen Becker

Dr. Becker is one of the top US vets that is talking about how we can better our pet's health through naturally feeding and living.  She has a great selection of YouTube videos that explain why she practices medicine the way that she does. 

Books by Dr. Becker:

Real Food

The Forever Dog


Dr. Karen Becker & Dr. Mercola

More great information from both doctors. 

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