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Puppy Training Programs

While puppies are bundles of sweetness and fun, we recognize how much work they can be, especially early on!  This is why we offer our puppy training packages for our families who would like their puppy to have additional training before they go home.  Each of the packages build on skills and socialization that has already been established from birth until the training starts at eight weeks of age.  Purchasing a trained Dharma's Way Puppy can be a great option for busy pet-parents that would like an extra boost on training when puppies are at their most impressionable age for learning!

Puppies in our programs will be given additional vaccines and vet care as appropriate for their age while they stay for training.  

Both classes are a fantastic start to getting your dog ready for the AKC canine good citizen test! Read more about this here!





Lil' Trekkers


Start your baby explorer off with this program that spans from weeks 8-12 and includes the following training:

Potty training and individual crate training

Sleeping through the night

Basic household manners

Bite inhibition

Basic socialization, handling and grooming

Traveling in vehicles

Noise and Thunder training

Sit, down, introduction to the leash

Come when called and his/her name

Wait patiently for meals

"Follow me" 

Gentle verbal redirecting

*Puppies in this class will receive a report card, leash, collar, crate, and additional vaccines. 


Trail Blazers


Help your puppy reach the summit with this continuation class of Lil' Trekkers that spans from weeks 12-16.  Puppies will build new skills while strengthening their previous ones.  This package will include:

All previously learned obedience

Using a doggy door



Longer stays/longer distances

Recalls from longer distances

On your bed

No Jumping

Bring, drop-it, leave it

*Puppies in this class will also receive a report card and personal bed to go home with and additional vaccines. 

$4200 (Includes both classes)

***Both programs will include a training session to teach new owners their dogs new tricks!

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